World's Top 2% Scientists

de Vreese, Claes H.

Universiteit van Amsterdam

Overall Rank
Rank in the SubField 1

Data for the year: 2024

Main Field

Communication & Textual Studies

SubField 1

Communication & Media Studies

SubField 2

Political Science & Public Administration

Rank in the SubField 1 (Communication & Media Studies): 6 out of 14032 authors

Metrics Self-Citations Excluded All
Rank Based on Composite Score25002673
Total Cites 20542167
H-index 21.00 21.00
Hm-index 12.47 12.89
Number of Single Authored Papers 28 28
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers 163 163
Number of Single+First Authored Papers 72 72
Total Cites to Single+First Authored Papers 410 414
Number of Single+First+Last Authored Papers 263 263
Total Cites to Single+First+Last Authored Papers 1759 1842
Composite Score 3.82 3.81
Number of Distinct Citing Papers 1519.00 1566.00
Ratio of Total Citations to Distinct Citing Papers 1.35 1.38
Self-Citation Percentage:

Data for the year: 2021

Main Field

Communication & Textual Studies

SubField 1

Communication & Media Studies

SubField 2

Political Science & Public Administration

Rank in the SubField 1 (Communication & Media Studies): 5 out of 10929 authors

Metrics Self-Citations Excluded All
Rank Based on Composite Score28752879
Total Cites 24782691
H-index 22.00 24.00
Hm-index 15.83 16.13
Number of Single Authored Papers 24 24
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers 241 242
Number of Single+First Authored Papers 65 65
Total Cites to Single+First Authored Papers 645 675
Number of Single+First+Last Authored Papers 223 223
Total Cites to Single+First+Last Authored Papers 2143 2317
Composite Score 3.92 3.95
Number of Distinct Citing Papers 1710.00 1771.00
Ratio of Total Citations to Distinct Citing Papers 1.45 1.52
Self-Citation Percentage:

Data for the year: 2020

Main Field

Communication & Textual Studies

SubField 1

Communication & Media Studies

SubField 2

Political Science & Public Administration

Rank in the SubField 1 (Communication & Media Studies): 9 out of 9005 authors

Metrics Self-Citations Excluded All
Rank Based on Composite Score37323683
Total Cites 16171855
H-index 19.00 20.00
Hm-index 12.80 12.95
Number of Single Authored Papers 24 24
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers 173 179
Number of Single+First Authored Papers 65 65
Total Cites to Single+First Authored Papers 434 477
Number of Single+First+Last Authored Papers 211 211
Total Cites to Single+First+Last Authored Papers 1386 1579
Composite Score 3.83 3.86
Number of Distinct Citing Papers 1107.00 1152.00
Ratio of Total Citations to Distinct Citing Papers 1.46 1.61
Self-Citation Percentage:

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