Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the source of data used for the "World's Top 2% Scientists" ranking?
The ranking is based on data from Elsevier Data Repository: This data includes standardized information on citations, h-index, and other bibliometric indicators for researchers worldwide.
What is the criteria for being included in the "World's Top 2% Scientists" ranking?
The ranking includes researchers who fall within the top 2% percentile or above, based on their c-score (with and without self-citations). This c-score is calculated using standardized data on citations, h-index, and other bibliometric indicators derived from Scopus data provided by Elsevier.
How are researchers classified and categorized in the ranking?
Researchers are classified into 22 scientific fields and 174 sub-fields, allowing for a comprehensive representation of various disciplines. This classification is based on the Stanford University and Elsevier data used for the ranking.
How can users claim and verify their profiles on the website?
Users can claim their profiles by Login using their university domain email address. The website has a verification process where administrators must approve claimed profiles based on the provided university email. Once approved, a badge will be added to the user's profile to signify their verified status.
How can I update my profile information on the website?
As a user, you will have the ability to update certain parts of your profile, such as your profile picture and social media links (e.g., Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, and your university profile). Once your profile is approved than you can make these updates to your personal profile from settings.
Will my profile information be visible to other users on the website?
The website have different levels of visibility for user profiles. Some information, such as your name, institution, and country, may be publicly visible. However, certain details like your social media links or profile picture may only be visible only if you are a verified users and you have updated your infomration.
Tutorial: How to Claim Your Profile on Top 2 Percent Scientists List