World's Top 2% Scientists

Venkata Rao, Ravipudi

S. V. National Institute of Technology

Overall Rank
Rank in the SubField 1

Data for the year: 2024

Main Field


SubField 1

Mechanical Engineering & Transports

SubField 2

Industrial Engineering & Automation

Rank in the SubField 1 (Mechanical Engineering & Transports): 9 out of 143311 authors

Metrics Self-Citations Excluded All
Rank Based on Composite Score896817
Total Cites 21772270
H-index 17.00 18.00
Hm-index 12.67 13.92
Number of Single Authored Papers 39 39
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers 555 573
Number of Single+First Authored Papers 154 154
Total Cites to Single+First Authored Papers 1983 2057
Number of Single+First+Last Authored Papers 189 189
Total Cites to Single+First+Last Authored Papers 2093 2174
Composite Score 4.07 4.10
Number of Distinct Citing Papers 1616.00 1646.00
Ratio of Total Citations to Distinct Citing Papers 1.35 1.38
Self-Citation Percentage:

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