Overall Rank
Rank in the SubField 1
Data for the year: 2024
Main Field
Physics & Astronomy
SubField 1
SubField 2
Mathematical Physics
Rank in the SubField 1 (Energy): 5 out of 313936 authors
Metrics | Self-Citations Excluded | All |
Rank Based on Composite Score | 139 | 135 |
Total Cites | 3394 | 3602 |
H-index | 27.00 | 28.00 |
Hm-index | 22.93 | 23.26 |
Number of Single Authored Papers | 218 | 218 |
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers | 1381 | 1408 |
Number of Single+First Authored Papers | 342 | 342 |
Total Cites to Single+First Authored Papers | 2332 | 2455 |
Number of Single+First+Last Authored Papers | 545 | 545 |
Total Cites to Single+First+Last Authored Papers | 2979 | 3151 |
Composite Score | 4.50 | 4.50 |
Number of Distinct Citing Papers | 1379.00 | 1421.00 |
Ratio of Total Citations to Distinct Citing Papers | 2.46 | 2.53 |
Self-Citation Percentage: |
Data for the year: 2023
Main Field
Physics & Astronomy
SubField 1
SubField 2
Mathematical Physics
Rank in the SubField 1 (Energy): 2 out of 287766 authors
Metrics | Self-Citations Excluded | All |
Rank Based on Composite Score | 91 | 87 |
Total Cites | 3879 | 4133 |
H-index | 28.00 | 31.00 |
Hm-index | 24.90 | 24.98 |
Number of Single Authored Papers | 217 | 217 |
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers | 1721 | 1741 |
Number of Single+First Authored Papers | 332 | 332 |
Total Cites to Single+First Authored Papers | 2775 | 2891 |
Number of Single+First+Last Authored Papers | 531 | 531 |
Total Cites to Single+First+Last Authored Papers | 3484 | 3683 |
Composite Score | 4.62 | 4.63 |
Number of Distinct Citing Papers | 1517.00 | 1561.00 |
Ratio of Total Citations to Distinct Citing Papers | 2.56 | 2.65 |
Self-Citation Percentage: |
Data for the year: 2022
Main Field
Physics & Astronomy
SubField 1
Mathematical Physics
SubField 2
Rank in the SubField 1 (Mathematical Physics): 1 out of 5580 authors
Metrics | Self-Citations Excluded | All |
Rank Based on Composite Score | 59 | 42 |
Total Cites | 3829 | 4616 |
H-index | 32.00 | 36.00 |
Hm-index | 28.42 | 29.75 |
Number of Single Authored Papers | 216 | 216 |
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers | 2031 | 2236 |
Number of Single+First Authored Papers | 318 | 318 |
Total Cites to Single+First Authored Papers | 2762 | 3170 |
Number of Single+First+Last Authored Papers | 509 | 509 |
Total Cites to Single+First+Last Authored Papers | 3484 | 4149 |
Composite Score | 4.74 | 4.82 |
Number of Distinct Citing Papers | 1274.00 | 1348.00 |
Ratio of Total Citations to Distinct Citing Papers | 3.01 | 3.42 |
Self-Citation Percentage: |
Data for the year: 2021
Main Field
Physics & Astronomy
SubField 1
Mathematical Physics
SubField 2
Rank in the SubField 1 (Mathematical Physics): 1 out of 5787 authors
Metrics | Self-Citations Excluded | All |
Rank Based on Composite Score | 82 | 69 |
Total Cites | 5065 | 5818 |
H-index | 37.00 | 38.00 |
Hm-index | 31.75 | 32.60 |
Number of Single Authored Papers | 206 | 206 |
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers | 2843 | 3138 |
Number of Single+First Authored Papers | 282 | 282 |
Total Cites to Single+First Authored Papers | 3546 | 3930 |
Number of Single+First+Last Authored Papers | 433 | 433 |
Total Cites to Single+First+Last Authored Papers | 4600 | 5255 |
Composite Score | 4.74 | 4.78 |
Number of Distinct Citing Papers | 1813.00 | 1885.00 |
Ratio of Total Citations to Distinct Citing Papers | 2.79 | 3.09 |
Self-Citation Percentage: |
Data for the year: 2020
Main Field
Physics & Astronomy
SubField 1
Mathematical Physics
SubField 2
Rank in the SubField 1 (Mathematical Physics): 1 out of 4956 authors
Metrics | Self-Citations Excluded | All |
Rank Based on Composite Score | 190 | 130 |
Total Cites | 3078 | 3623 |
H-index | 26.00 | 31.00 |
Hm-index | 23.06 | 25.73 |
Number of Single Authored Papers | 199 | 199 |
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers | 1682 | 1874 |
Number of Single+First Authored Papers | 271 | 271 |
Total Cites to Single+First Authored Papers | 2072 | 2320 |
Number of Single+First+Last Authored Papers | 413 | 413 |
Total Cites to Single+First+Last Authored Papers | 2798 | 3273 |
Composite Score | 4.55 | 4.65 |
Number of Distinct Citing Papers | 1192.00 | 1250.00 |
Ratio of Total Citations to Distinct Citing Papers | 2.58 | 2.90 |
Self-Citation Percentage: |
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