Overall Rank
Rank in the SubField 1
Data for the year: 2023
Main Field
Clinical Medicine
SubField 1
General & Internal Medicine
SubField 2
Oncology & Carcinogenesis
Rank in the SubField 1 (General & Internal Medicine): 1 out of 321279 authors
Metrics | Self-Citations Excluded | All |
Rank Based On Composite Score | 6 | 6 |
Total Cites | 70428 | 71402 |
H-index | 89.00 | 89.00 |
Hm-index | 39.79 | 39.61 |
Number of single authored papers | 76 | 76 |
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers | 233 | 233 |
Number of single+first authored papers | 196 | 196 |
Total Cites to single+first authored papers | 1814 | 1822 |
Number of single+first+last authored papers | 500 | 500 |
Total Cites to single+first+last authored papers | 19818 | 19969 |
Composite Score | 5.16 | 5.13 |
Number of distinct citing papers | 54720.00 | 54991.00 |
Ratio of total citations to distinct citing papers | 1.29 | 1.30 |
Number of papers 1960-2023 that have been cited at leate once | 0 | 751 |
Data for the year: 2021
Main Field
Clinical Medicine
SubField 1
General & Internal Medicine
SubField 2
Oncology & Carcinogenesis
Rank in the SubField 1 (General & Internal Medicine): 1 out of 224174 authors
Metrics | Self-Citations Excluded | All |
Rank Based On Composite Score | 4 | 4 |
Total Cites | 99383 | 101073 |
H-index | 107.00 | 109.00 |
Hm-index | 46.58 | 46.95 |
Number of single authored papers | 76 | 76 |
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers | 352 | 353 |
Number of single+first authored papers | 196 | 196 |
Total Cites to single+first authored papers | 2659 | 2679 |
Number of single+first+last authored papers | 501 | 501 |
Total Cites to single+first+last authored papers | 30035 | 30307 |
Composite Score | 5.24 | 5.24 |
Number of distinct citing papers | 73946.00 | 74383.00 |
Ratio of total citations to distinct citing papers | 1.34 | 1.36 |
Number of papers 1960-2021 that have been cited at leate once | 0 | 773 |
Data for the year: 2020
Main Field
Clinical Medicine
SubField 1
General & Internal Medicine
SubField 2
Oncology & Carcinogenesis
Rank in the SubField 1 (General & Internal Medicine): 1 out of 106795 authors
Metrics | Self-Citations Excluded | All |
Rank Based On Composite Score | 8 | 8 |
Total Cites | 65724 | 67118 |
H-index | 92.00 | 93.00 |
Hm-index | 40.35 | 41.55 |
Number of single authored papers | 76 | 76 |
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers | 263 | 270 |
Number of single+first authored papers | 197 | 197 |
Total Cites to single+first authored papers | 2014 | 2044 |
Number of single+first+last authored papers | 503 | 503 |
Total Cites to single+first+last authored papers | 22189 | 22440 |
Composite Score | 5.24 | 5.23 |
Number of distinct citing papers | 47726.00 | 48080.00 |
Ratio of total citations to distinct citing papers | 1.38 | 1.40 |
Number of papers 1960-2020 that have been cited at leate once | 0 | 786 |
Data for the year: 0
Main Field
Clinical Medicine
SubField 1
General & Internal Medicine
SubField 2
Oncology & Carcinogenesis
Rank in the SubField 1 (General & Internal Medicine): 1 out of 311132 authors
Metrics | Self-Citations Excluded | All |
Rank Based On Composite Score | 5 | 5 |
Total Cites | 69553 | 70625 |
H-index | 87.00 | 88.00 |
Hm-index | 38.26 | 38.91 |
Number of single authored papers | 77 | 77 |
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers | 205 | 205 |
Number of single+first authored papers | 197 | 197 |
Total Cites to single+first authored papers | 1658 | 1668 |
Number of single+first+last authored papers | 501 | 501 |
Total Cites to single+first+last authored papers | 19955 | 20122 |
Composite Score | 5.16 | 5.16 |
Number of distinct citing papers | 52506.00 | 52768.00 |
Ratio of total citations to distinct citing papers | 1.32 | 1.34 |
Number of papers 1960-0 that have been cited at leate once | 0 | 735 |
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