World's Top 2% Scientists

Kresse, Georg

Universität Wien

Overall Rank
Rank in the SubField 1

Data for the year: 2023

Main Field

Physics & Astronomy

SubField 1

Applied Physics

SubField 2

Chemical Physics

Rank in the SubField 1 (Applied Physics): 1 out of 295432 authors

Metrics Self-Citations Excluded All
Rank Based On Composite Score22
Total Cites 3069030907
H-index 30.00 31.00
Hm-index 16.78 17.09
Number of single authored papers 6 6
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers 6529 6532
Number of single+first authored papers 31 31
Total Cites to single+first authored papers 27650 27665
Number of single+first+last authored papers 188 188
Total Cites to single+first+last authored papers 28952 29030
Composite Score 5.26 5.26
Number of distinct citing papers 14698.00 14743.00
Ratio of total citations to distinct citing papers 2.09 2.10
Number of papers 1960-2023 that have been cited at leate once 0 282

Data for the year: 2022

Main Field

Physics & Astronomy

SubField 1

Applied Physics

SubField 2

Chemical Physics

Rank in the SubField 1 (Applied Physics): 1 out of 289917 authors

Metrics Self-Citations Excluded All
Rank Based On Composite Score22
Total Cites 2729427565
H-index 28.00 29.00
Hm-index 16.94 16.80
Number of single authored papers 6 6
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers 5898 5901
Number of single+first authored papers 31 31
Total Cites to single+first authored papers 24358 24385
Number of single+first+last authored papers 184 184
Total Cites to single+first+last authored papers 25653 25763
Composite Score 5.26 5.26
Number of distinct citing papers 12938.00 12993.00
Ratio of total citations to distinct citing papers 2.11 2.12
Number of papers 1960-2022 that have been cited at leate once 0 288

Data for the year: 2021

Main Field

Physics & Astronomy

SubField 1

Applied Physics

SubField 2

Chemical Physics

Rank in the SubField 1 (Applied Physics): 1 out of 269833 authors

Metrics Self-Citations Excluded All
Rank Based On Composite Score22
Total Cites 4134941721
H-index 37.00 39.00
Hm-index 20.86 20.77
Number of single authored papers 6 6
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers 8972 8977
Number of single+first authored papers 31 31
Total Cites to single+first authored papers 36853 36894
Number of single+first+last authored papers 179 179
Total Cites to single+first+last authored papers 38792 38948
Composite Score 5.35 5.35
Number of distinct citing papers 19433.00 19519.00
Ratio of total citations to distinct citing papers 2.13 2.14
Number of papers 1960-2021 that have been cited at leate once 0 308

Data for the year: 2020

Main Field

Physics & Astronomy

SubField 1

Applied Physics

SubField 2

Chemical Physics

Rank in the SubField 1 (Applied Physics): 1 out of 224856 authors

Metrics Self-Citations Excluded All
Rank Based On Composite Score23
Total Cites 3182932138
H-index 32.00 33.00
Hm-index 18.93 18.93
Number of single authored papers 6 6
Total Cites to Single Authored Papers 6829 6833
Number of single+first authored papers 31 31
Total Cites to single+first authored papers 28237 28269
Number of single+first+last authored papers 172 172
Total Cites to single+first+last authored papers 29749 29882
Composite Score 5.38 5.36
Number of distinct citing papers 14534.00 14595.00
Ratio of total citations to distinct citing papers 2.19 2.20
Number of papers 1960-2020 that have been cited at leate once 0 281

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